University of Oxford

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It is a university college based in Oxford, England and it’s known as the University of Oxford.  Is the most ancient of English-speaking universities, established as a teaching institution in 1096 or even earlier and therefore operating longer than any university anywhere else except for Bologna.  It was rapidly developing since 1167, when King Henry II forbade English students from studying at the University of Paris. In response, others fled to Cambridge where they established a school that later got the name of University. Two old English universities have many common features, so they are often grouped and called Oxbridge.


The University of Oxford has established herself as one of the best in learning across globe almost always being on top list. This is where we find some of the leading higher learning institutions in the world like The Bodleain Library, one of Europe’s oldest libraries and also home to Ashmolean Museum considered among old museums known around the globe.

Education Levels

The University of Oxford offers a range of undergraduate and post- graduate programs. Post Graduates study for between one to two years as opposed to the Under graduates who are in school for three or four years terms Moreover, it has varying research levels such as doctorates or a Master’s by Research.

Offered Courses

The University of Oxford has hundreds courses in various issues. These include English, History and so forth Maths Law Medicine etc. The institution also provides multidisciplinary programs such as a philosophy, politics, and economics course.


There are various grants that students of different nationalities can enjoy at the University of Oxford. They are merit and need-based scholarships. A wide range of bursaries as well as prizes is also available for learners in the university.

Admission Process

The admissions at the University of Oxford are highly competitive. Several applications are received by the university in each academic year, but very few of them yield positive results. Admission usually involves filling application form and issuing personal statement with interview.


The university is globally renowned for its challenging learning environment. The institution highly values learning in its quest for academic excellence and has managed to attract some of the best brains globally.

Official University Website

Apply for Admission

Key Points

  • Oxford is the oldest of all the English speaking universities.
  • It ranks among the best universities globally.
  • There are various undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered by the university.
  • A wide range of scholarships is provided for the university’s students from all over the world.
  • Admission into the University of Oxford is highly competitive

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