Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship 2024 | Fully Funded)

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Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship: In a low- or middle-income Commonwealth nation, an ACU member university offers a two-year master’s degree scholarship program known as the Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship. This implies that the qualified candidates will finish their degree program abroad. Since the QECS 2024 scholarship is fully financed, all program costs will be covered for its entirety.

There are two cycles for the scholarship. Cycles 1 and 2 open in November and December and March and April, respectively. There is just one application that needs to be submitted, but if you would like to study abroad, you are free to apply again. Applicants may be citizens of a Commonwealth nation or persons with refugee status. Additional information is provided below.

Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship Details 2024

  • Scholarship by: Queen Elizabeth
  • Degree Level: Master (two years)
  • Financial Benefits: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: 24th May 2024 (Cycle 2)


Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship includes:

  • tuition costs fully funded
  • stipend for living expenses for the term of the award
  • flights in economy return to the host nation
  • One-time allowance for arrival
  • Research Support Grant (available upon request; permission required)

Participating Country and Universities Name for QECS Cycle 2 Applications

  • Samoa, Vanuatu, and Fiji: The South Pacific University
  • University of Science and Technology Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana
  • University of Mauritius, Mauritius
  • The country of Papua New Guinea: Technology University
  • Universities in South Africa: Venda University and Pretoria University
  • Universities in Sri Lanka: University of Jayewardenepura, University of Colombo

Steps to Apply 

  • Suitableness
  • Individual Information
  • Academic Background and Professional Experience
  • Course information at the home university
  • Statements (Click here to read about the kinds of statements that QECS requires.)
  • Upload supplementary files (references included)

Qualifications for Applying

  • Applications from citizens of Commonwealth nations are encouraged.
  • Age requirements: The maximum age at which one can get a QECS Award is not specified.
  • To be eligible to apply, you must have received at least a 2:1 (or equivalent) in your undergraduate studies.
  • Your undergraduate degree must already be finished. Students in their last year are not eligible.
  • The funds have a two-year expiration date.
  • The QECS grants are only available for full-time study.

How Can I Apply for QECS?

Examine the list of nations and colleges offering scholarships for this round. Use the links provided below to visit the appropriate university’s website and learn more about the course you have selected. Click the “Apply Now” button to fill out and submit a QECS application for the university or course of your choice.

Click Here to Apply Now 

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